Our Learning Framework:
The 4 Learning Domains
We are dedicated to partnering with students and families to set and meet educational goals to help kids excel in school and life
A Holistic Approach to Academics
Our learning framework doesn’t just teach academics skills like writing, math, and English. It’s a holistic enrichment training that teaches strong life skills like decision making, time management, social and emotional skills, and more. Our data shows that students who have well-rounded academic, social, and emotional skill sets do far greater than the average student.
Backed by Data & Powered by Technology
We have developed four distinct Learning Domains created by a combination of proven learning science data and 50+ years of educational experience. Over 300 students have already been through the framework and over 90% of parents agree they’ve seen significant improvements.






Here is Our Framework:
The Four Learning Domains
1. Setting & planning goals
2. Meeting goals
3. Understanding “big picture”
4. Persistence & focus
5. Movitavation (intrinsic)
6. Synthesizing contests & reflection
1. Space & supplies organization
2. Understanding instructions & planning
3. Utilizing support
4. Listening & reading skills
5. Note taking skills
6. Task organization
1. Budgeting & spending time
2. Limiting procrastination
3. Appropriate pacing – not too fast
4. Appropriate pacing – not too slow
1. Emotional self-regulation
2. Media self-regulation
3. Flexibility & adaptability
4. Productive struggle
5. Critical thinking & questioning
How The 4 Learning Domains Framework Works:
For group sessions, students will learn how to set goals, manage their pace, utilize their notes, and take ownership of their learning through Daily Success Plan. The academic coach will assist each student to set and achieve their personal and academic goals in the session. They will also evaluate the learning skills, communicate the needs the student shows, and implement learning strategies from the weekly and quarterly review through session feedback. We help our students to take ownership of their own learning and foster independent learning.
The assistant directors will monitor their personal academic goal progress in light of the quarterly goal we set for the student in the group session. We will look for any new trends, any red flag, or small victories and take a note on their weekly progress to meet with their big picture goals.
Each student belongs to a team of coaches, assistant director, and director. The team meets monthly to discuss the effectiveness of the current curriculum and personal goals and for team communication. They will plan for the next step for students. After this meeting, the director will check in with the parents of 1:1 services.
Assistant director will review the student’s progress and create conference notes, so that the director can meet with parents and discuss the details. Parents will learn about their student’s progress in light of their Excellerate Learning Roadmap and how they can partner with the Excellerate team to support their child at home with consistent method and message.
Through periodic webinars, workshops and coaching meetings, students and parents will learn about the current learning environment and how the 21st century learning skills they gain through Excellerate Learning Studio’s program will help them be prepared for future success.